The return of OSCR


Where to start; when it comes to Outlaw Street Car Reunion the world-famous Beechbend Raceway comes to mind but not this time. One of the biggest radial tire and slick tire races in the world put on by Tyler Crossnoe and staff made the announcement the race was coming to Virginia Motorsports Park also known as VMP during the Shakedown event last year.

With some minor changes to classes, the event still set the stage to be an amazing event full of action. With the PDRA series right around the corner held for the race was the pro mod class and with XDA the same weekend the two-wheel pro-street class was also held out.

Classes on tap for the weekend RVW, pro 275 , x275 ,ultra street and handful of other classes including a super exciting N/t street car class. Ken Quartuccio brought out his new pro mod which he tested on big tires earlier in the week switching to 315 radial tires to run RVW. Fletcher Cox brought out his new pro 275 ride as well.

Head over to for the rest of the race results, check out some of the action shot below