Checking out DI 2023 Photo Annule featuring shots from the 2023 season
PDRA Season Opener
What more can I say than what a show! As the Professional Drag Racing Association PDRA rolled into the world-famous Galot motorsports park over the past weekend and brought nothing but action, well that’s what I’m going to do. With every year comes the anticipation of what’s in store for the season, most teams are looking to better the previous season’s standing, and others to maintain the dominance of their respected classes.
Rows and rows of racers from all classes packed in the pits of Galot Motorsports Park
Over the winter the PDRA staff was hard at work making the series even better as usual from sponsorships to class rules and of course making sure the fans have enough action to keep the heart pumping. With the backlines booming of the Pro street class being packed with more racers wanting to bring outlaw 10.5 back to the forefront to the clutch pedal naturally aspirated monsters of extreme Pro stock making it’s coming back in a big way, there was some excitement to be had. Now let us not forget the teams making debuts with new cars as well as debuts in new classes Brian Clauss in pro 632 Dillon Voss in Extreme pro stock to name a few.
Jeff Melnick being pushed up the lanes in his beautiful Dodge avenger top sportsman ride
The weekend got started with a heavy amount of testing on Wednesday and Thursday followed by qualifying on Friday for all classes. First up with the badest nitrous cars on the planet Pro Nitrous presented by Switzer Dynamics with defending champion Jim Halsey leading the way in his beautiful 68 Camaro with a blistering 3.65 at 206 mph putting him in the number one spot, then came WS construction Pro Boost with Melanie Salemi just crushing the boards with a 3.56 blast at 207 mph in her side piece 2019 Camaro. Liberty’s Gears Extreme pro stock number one spot went to JR carr with a 4.01 at 179 mph rip. The number one spot in Shameless Racing Pro 632 went to Walter Lannigan jr with a 4.12-second pass with a speed of 172 mph. Travis Davis took the number one spot in Drag 965 pro nitrous motorcycle going 3.97 at 176 mph. Menscer Motorsports Pro street presented by Afco racing with Nick Agostino all the way from Ontario taking the top qualifying spot with a 3.92 at 208 mph on a 10.5 tire. Donny Urban, Jeff Pittman, Craig Addis, Frank Falter Iv, Nyck Shirkey, and Kylie Vanier headed top positions in their respected sportsman classes.
God speed Ministry is a staple of every PDRA racing sharing the word of the lord with fellow racers
On Saturday with the fields set, the grandstands packed with fans, and cool brisk weather racing got underway with a few unseen exits Jim Hasley taking an early exit with Cam Clark moving on. The man himself Tommy Franklin took an early exit in the second round leaving the field wide open. Mike Achenbach AkA the mountain man claimed the class victory. A few surprising exits in pro boost with Stevie Jackson going down to Stan Shelton early, Melanie Salemi going out in the second round to Stan Shelton who would go all the way to finals to be taken out by Todd Tutterow, Tutterow himself facing some of the fastest guys Jason Lee who has been in the 40’s on a 315 tire and Johnny Camp. With all the right conditions the world was ready to see 3.99 light across the board in Liberty’s Gear pro stock but that will live to see another day with Chris powers laying down 4.0 passes all day to take it home. Alan Drinkwater took the victory in Pro 632 knocking out front runner Lannigan Jr, Chris Garner-Jones left where left off in the winner circle in Drag 965 Pro nitrous motorcycle. Tim Essick with his home-built ride took down Agostino in the finals in the pro street class. Sportsman racers Steve Drongowski, Doug Crumlich, Steve Furr, Tisha Wilson, Bladen core, Carter Jackson, and Nathen Tanner rounded out your PDRA East Coast Nationals presented by Fuel Tech.
Check out the album below for some of the event action and highlights
Horsepower Hustle Season kickoff
The hustle at Galot
Packed lanes as racers wait to make some shakedowns
Back in January the motorcycle drag racing world learned of a new action-packed series that was centered around the Grudge racing scene. Some of the greatest minds in the game put their heads together to bring you what they call Horsepower Hustle, Where the bikes do all the talking and yet bring a new attitude and level of professionalism to the sport.
Class chip draw for outlaw super stock
This series is for the serious racers racing on the best tracks prepared by one of the best Mass Traction. Horsepower Hustle host eleven classes that’s right eleven classes of the top bike engine combinations in the game as well making it an all-heads-up series. The season got underway at the world-famous Galot Motorsports Park, teams tested during the day and going in the battle under the lights with some lovely locked-in money on the line making it all worth it. HPH will do it all over again at South Carolina Motorplex April 8th - 9th be there to catch all the action.
Check out some event highlights below
The return of the world famous WPGC bike fest was a breath of fresh air as one of the premier races in the world made its way back after missing out the 2020 season due to pandemic, like years before the is race was action packed from on track and off as the bagger sound off competition and bike show, the always amazing bikini contest and live bands. Now let’s not forget the all the action on track from grudge racing, sportsman classes and action-packed pro classes. check out the photo highlights below from weekend
Phones up as the sound off shakes the ground bagger style
The long-awaited return of PDRA to Maryland international raceway after missing the stop in 2020 was a breath of fresh air for many signaling that things were headed back to being normal in the racing world. PDRA staff and crew quickly got to work making MDIR its home for the weekend laying out the red carpet for both racers and excited fans.
shameless racing pro outlaw 632 racer Daryl Stewart waiting in the lines
The event kicked off with testing on Thursday showing some promising numbers from the mountain motor pro-stock guys setting the stage for Friday’s qualifying, with bright sunny sky’s warm temps it was time to lay down some numbers in all the classes on the grounds, Halsey, Camp, Carr, Voss, jones, and Lambert took top spots in the heads up classes during qualifying. Benoit, Maduri , Jenkins Iv, and Mattox round out the sportsman racers
Amber Franklin picking the wheels up in Q1 of top dragster
On Saturday “Mountain Man” Mike Achenbach quickly became a fan favorite with his beautiful purple Pro-nitrous ride , who normally run in the NEOPMA series making it all the way to semi finals. Mountain motor racers pushed the 4.0’s but unable to dip in the 3 second zone. Daniel Pharris best known in the small tire world picked up a victory in pro boost under the galot team banner. chris powers took out some of the best on his way to a pro stock win . Wes Distefano is still on a tear picking up another win in pro outlaw 632 to just name a few event high lights . check out the photo gallery below.
PDRA heads to Norwalk
The PDRA team made their way to the great Summit Motorsports Park for the American Door Slammer challenge last month on its third race of the season, bringing teams from all over the mid west and a round of mother nature like never seen before. none the less the the pdra staff and Norwalk team pulled off a great event after miss a whole day thanks to heavy down pours and cold temps. Eliminations was spread between Saturday and Sunday but in the end completed and winners were crowned, check below for photo highlights
Hail Mary Derby doubles back for round two
The epic test fest known as Hail Mary Derby presented by Haltech engine management and Wiseco piston made its way back to Maryland International Raceway for its second running of this event which carried over from the 2020 season.
packed staging lanes with cars from different classes
Teams from all over the states made their way to test for four days and pushing for that hail Mary pass or record-setting pass. the event as before was broken down by class into four test sessions a day some, even more, depending on the size of the class, as usual, the all-wheel-drive class took the show by storm. the newly added N/t class through in some spice as well.
One of many Evo’s pushing for that 7second zone
below check out some of the photo high lights from the event
The return of OSCR
Where to start; when it comes to Outlaw Street Car Reunion the world-famous Beechbend Raceway comes to mind but not this time. One of the biggest radial tire and slick tire races in the world put on by Tyler Crossnoe and staff made the announcement the race was coming to Virginia Motorsports Park also known as VMP during the Shakedown event last year.
With some minor changes to classes, the event still set the stage to be an amazing event full of action. With the PDRA series right around the corner held for the race was the pro mod class and with XDA the same weekend the two-wheel pro-street class was also held out.
Classes on tap for the weekend RVW, pro 275 , x275 ,ultra street and handful of other classes including a super exciting N/t street car class. Ken Quartuccio brought out his new pro mod which he tested on big tires earlier in the week switching to 315 radial tires to run RVW. Fletcher Cox brought out his new pro 275 ride as well.
Head over to for the rest of the race results, check out some of the action shot below
Picking up from last year with mother nature wanting part of the action, the crew and staff of PDRA and GALOT Motorsports park had their backs against the wall the to get the first race of the season in the books. Tyler Crossnoe and crew were focused and up for the task and they did not disappoint; adding an extra day of testing on Wednesday allowed teams to get some extra track time before the official test day on Thursday.
On Friday qualifying got underway for all classes, including the new pro street class which brought back old school 10.5 tire racing. Friday’s qualifying also allowed for some new faces to join in some PDRA action and some old faces to compete in new classes. Saturday’s schedule was unchanged even though there were a few on-track mishaps later in the day. check out the event highlights below
The Hail Mary Pass
The Hail Mary Derby was everything as described, high flying action as if it was a deep pass from a quarterback to a receiver to win the game. From high-speed front-wheel-drive imports: earth turning rear-wheel-drive slick cars and a large count of all-wheel drive monsters to keep the fans on their feet for the weekend. Unlike the staple event World Cup Finals presented by Haltech, MBP replaced the year-end race with a massive testing event that tossed out the rulebook, qualifying, and eliminations for the weekend allowing teams to go for it all.
Jason Miller of MBP interacting with the fans in the stands
The derby which lasted four days of testing broken down by classes. With some wild cars on the property, the excitement was at an all-time high. Teams pushing the limits and accomplishing personal best Chris Moore on his pro street bike with a blistering 6.30 at 233 mph. Team AMS performance with it stable to all-wheel drive cars from GTRs to a sick huracan ripping off a 7.61 pass. T1 put on a show as well with its line up GTRs, adding to the mix a few new build debuts.
AMS Performance Alpha 7 second Drag Huracan pitted with some AMS beast
2020 Hail Mary Derby
Shakedown Nationals XVIII
Shakedown Nationals XVIII with its second year at Virginia Motorsports Park came with a surprise, in the form of a massive rainfall from one of many large tropical storms to reach the east coast. Staff and racers with backs against the wall didn’t let the rain stop them from racing, will over an inch of rain in the forecast major changes were placed in effect to ensure the event would be able to be completed by the end of the weekend. On Wednesday the limited testing was opened to all racers that were on the grounds, with many still en route from all over states. As Wednesday testing was nearing the rains came in overnight and all day Thursday pouring buckets of water on the VMP complex making for a long tear down and prep of the track surface.
Bruder Brothers waiting with new single turbo combo for tech inspection
Overnight the storms moved out leaving a beautiful day of qualifying for all classes. Once the track was dry and a fresh layer of sticky VHT was laid on the track, the staging lanes began to fill and burnouts got underway with big tire pro mods and top sportsman cars laying the rubber for radial guys who only needed a few passes in too start laying down low E.t and records. Tyler Crossnoe and Jimmy Bradshaw had the track on kill with the combination of great air had cars carrying the wheels sending the fans into loud cheers.
Marc McCloud in his Monte Carlo dragging the bumper in ultra street
As night fall closed in most of the fields were set for eliminations on Saturday, with a few classes making final passes on Saturday morning. Radial class leading the pack with records the big tire cars were looking for records as well. Twenty Six entries in pro mod with supercharged cars at the top with low 60’s and nitrous cars close in trail. Stevie fast took shadow deep in the 3.50s Ron green in pro 275 locked down the record and x275 hosted some back to back teen passes from a few teams.
Steve Beaston wheels up in the Virginia sunset
Shakedown carried over into Sunday where winners were crown and racers collected trophies with huge paychecks to show who was the man of the weekend, but I can’t forget the big surprise with the announcement of outlaw street car reunion coming to VMP in 2021. Don’t forget to check out the list of the class winners and the gallery below as well.
Radial vs. The World: Stevie Jackson
Pro 275: Ron Green
Outlaw 10.5: Blake Copson
Limited Drag Radial: Daniel Ray
X275: Rob Goss
Ultra Street: Louie Filippides
Real Street: Shane Stymiest
Limited 235: Danny Niceley
Top Sportsman – Ultimate 48: Bootie Harris
No Clock Small Block – Elite 8: Kenny Leach
Pro Modified winner Ron Muenks under the lights
XDA series crowning its 2020 champions after three events. The Covid-19 pandemic has had a major effect on the racing community the whole season causing promoters to take drastic measures to give the racers and fans something to look forward too. The series dropping from six action-packed races to only three caused a major stir with most competitors but proved to be some of the most exciting racing in 2020. With two races under its belt, the series moved to its final race of the season the DME Fall Nationals with its famous Orient Express Pro-street Battle Royale with its huge 10k payout to the winner.
Rodney Williford on his Williford Racing Pro-Street GSXR1000
Along with the Pro-Street shootout on hand was the DME Racing Real Street class, Pro Xtreme , Vans and Hines 4.60, HTP Super Stock , crazy 8’s ,5.60, Top-sportsman and street E.T. The event also featured the After Dark Underground with grudge and bulls.
Cj Fair behind the bars of this turbo grudge bike
At the end of this crazy weekend where championship points and crowns on the line with every round win, loss and record created some fierce competition round after round. Jeremy Teasley locked up the Orient Express Pro-Street championship with brother Brandon Teasley taking home DME racing Real Street. Travis Davis took home the Pro Extreme championship, David Fondon taking home the first ever HTP Super-Stock championship. Ronald Procopio locked up another Vans and hines 4.60 championship , Dustin Lee taking home both FBR shop 5.60 and Mickey Thompson Tires Top Sportsman. Spencer Claycomb took home the final Crazy 8s championship, James Farmer taking home the MPS Pro E.T Championship and Derrick Milbourne taking home the Brocks performance Street E.T title. The Bulls crowned two Champions as well, David Page in Monster Bulls and Jeremy Teasley in APE Nitrous Bulls. With the series completed teams start to plan for the 2021 season April 23-25 with the PFR spring Nationals. Below check out some of the event photos.
The XDA rolled into Virginia motorsports park for the 2nd annual MTC Virginia bike bash for the second stop of the XDA series. With the shortened season due to the Covid-19 pandemic and mother natures rain the season pushed on. This event hosted the first real street royal rumble with a huge five thousand dollar purse to win and few small bounties for a few racers to keep the excitement going.
Ben Knight on his pro charged real street bike
The event also had on tap the Orient Express pro street class, pro xtreme , HTP super stock, and the super-competitive Vans and Hines 4.60 class which held the largest field yet of racers. There was also on hand a number of sportsman classes as well as a grudge where the bad boys come and play with the clocks off.
NHRA competitor Matt smith on his Vans and Hines 4.60 ride
With the event being so action-packed how can we not forget the records dropping in the pro street class as well as the real street class Jeremy Teasley with a blistering 6.34 at a crazy 222 mph pro street and a 7.52 at 187 mph in real- street. Shane eperjesi from Dallas with a 3.97 in pro-Xtreme. David Fondon from PR with an 8.83 on his HTP superstock bike. This race was just raining records something truly amazing for this time of the year.
Jeremy Teasley on his record run
6.32 @222 mph on his DME Racing GSXR 1000
Check out some of the action from the event
Another battle-tested event with mother nature throwing everything she has at the PDRA staff and racers at Virginia Motorsports Park. Tyler Crossnoe and the team prevailed against the weather has heavy rains crossed through the area. On Thursday testing was cut short due to rain, but that set-up for an amazing day of high horsepower exciting racing for the rest of the weekend, Quifilying on Friday was fast-paced as things were kicked into high gear to make sure all rounds would be completed.
Switzer Dynamics Pro Nitrous racers in the Lanes at Virginia Motorsports Park
All classes were on deck with the exception of Drag965 Pro Nitrous motorcycle as the class oped out in respects to long time racer TT Jones who passed away, none to less there was plenty of four wheel action to go around even the long a waited debut of Dan woods beautiful pro nitrous mustang
The first round of Qualifying in pro Boost brought some excitement as long time wheel man Travis Harvey strapped in for racer Eric Gustafson who was running late. First time competitor in the newly formed pro street class Ron Hamby made a statement running 4.0’s in his nova. Pro junior dragster Kaylee Love set the top speed for the class at 83.57 mph. Xtreme Pro-stock racer jr carr getting ever so close to the 3-second barrier where just some of the high lights from the event. check out some of the photo galleries below
Eric Gustafson pro-charger pro boost ride with chutes at full bloom
Total Chaos radial action
Hot on and off the track, as radial testing goes full swing under the lights at Maryland International Raceway. With some changes in the event schedule due too the current pandemic Maryland International Raceway (MDIR) staff dreamed up an idea to make use of the open calendar space with some radial testing under the lights dubbed Total Chaos.
Warrior Outlaw racer Bill Cole headed back to the pits after tech inspection
On deck for testing were and a handful of killer pro teams ready to make some laps down the track from 1320 warriors, outlaw 10.5, ultra street even the sick RVW vett of Decker’s selvage. DMV N/T racers were definitely on the grounds as well Brooks Boys Performance, No Roof Crew, and Life Runners to name a few.
Driver/tuner Marques Hatton behind the wheel of Da Wizard
With track temps in the 100’s, teams took it easy finding the right tune to make it down the fully prepped yet hot track surface during the day. As the sun dropped, the tune-ups changed allowing teams laying down to sub 4 second passes with the clocks on, while the No Time racers left the car show competitors wondering just how fast is that car.MDIR staff kept the surface top-notch and event rolling smoothly leaving smiles on the faces of all in attendance. check out the gallery below of some of the action
The action was hot and humid just like the weather but that didn’t stop the racers and fans from enjoying the festivities. Darion Payne aka Nanu and long time friend Ervin Wilkerson along other sponsors hosted the event on the grounds of Custom T’s Motorsports park also known as Colonial Beach Dragway . There was something for everyone from a game truck for the kids to corn hole for the adults, food trucks for whatever tastebuds that crossed your mind. Ontrack action didn’t disappoint as well from street bike class up to 4.60 not to forget the grudge action.
Racers suiting up to make some passes during time runs
Action got underway Friday night with testing and a round of 4.60 time runs as well as a lot of trash talking grudge runs. As they prepared for Saturday’s showdown the heat was on as fans filed in to see all the action. Even a few NHRA pro stock motorcycle stars blessed grounds riding their super sportbikes. Check out some of the action shots from the event.
4.60 winner Dystany Spurlock during eliminations
NHRA Pro stock motorcycle racer Joey Gladstone on his HTP super stock GSXR 1000
Bracket Et:
Winner Taylor Dunham
Runner Up Rick Butler
5.60 Index
Winner Taylor Dunham
Runner Up Jeremy Brown Happy Birthday JB
$50 Bounty Russell Dennison Jr.
4.60 Index
Winner Dystany Spurlock
Runner Up Ronnie Procoppio
Super Stock
Winner : Joseph Gladstone
Big Boy Shootout
Winner : Derek Shelton
Street Tire
Winner: James Taylor
THC Shootout
Winner: Problem Child
PDRA Pro Line Racing Mid-Atlantic Showdown
PDRA Pro Line Racing Mid- Atlantic Showdown July 23-25 at Virginia Motorsports Park
PDRA Pro Line Racing Mid-Atlantic Showdown, presented by: Line-X
Professional Class Line-Up
We will be contesting all of our professional categories at the third stop on the #PDRA tour. This will include
Switzer Dynamics
Pro Nitrous,
Penske Racing Shocks
Precision Racing Suspension
Pro Boost, presented by: WS Construction,
Liberty's Gears
Extreme Pro Stock,
Pro Nitrous Motorcycle,
Shameless Racing
Pro Outlaw 632 and the new
Pro Street category, presented by:
Vortech Superchargers
- bringing small tire racing to the #PDRA for the second time this season.
Mark your calendars now as the Pro pits will be jam-packed at
Virginia Motorsports Park
on July 23-25 with the best in the business fighting it out at the PDRA
Pro Line Racing
Mid-Atlantic Showdown, presented by:
Frederick LINE-X
The XDA is back at Maryland International Raceway located in Mechanicsville, Maryland with the 20th annual Platinum Fleet Repair Bike Fest on July 24-26, 2020!
The event features the Orient Express Pro Street class that run speeds over230 mph in only 6-seconds! Over 700 Professional, Sportsman, and Grudge motorcycle racers will also be in competition all weekend long, battling it out for over $75,000 in cash purse at this event. The event will also feature a vendor midway full of great deals on motorcycle parts, accessories and apparel.
Then on Saturday Night, the HTP Performance Afterdark Underground Grudge Program will start after the last round of Pros and will feature the “Running of the Bulls” Grudge Shootouts and all the Grudge Racing you can handle!
All racers, crew, and spectators must purchase their admission tickets at the gate. An adult weekend pass is $40, or an adult 1-Day pass is $20. A Junior(12-15) weekend pass is $20, or a Junior1-Day pass is $10. Kids 11 & under are FREE! Tech cards will be sold at the registration tent on the vendor midway.
Class Line-Up for this Event:
• Orient Express Pro Street
• DME Racing Real Street
• Pro Xtreme
• HTP Performance Super Stock
• APE Nitrous Bulls
• Monster Bulls
• Tommie's Motorsports DMV Bulls
• HTP Performance Grudge
• Vance & Hines 4.60 Index
• FBR Shop 5.60 Index
• Crazy 8’s
• Mickey Thompson Tires Top Sportsman
• MPS Pro E.T.
• Brock’s Performance Street E.T.
Full Event Details: